
Thursday, April 29, 2004

I can't believe this is happening... 

Paul, at blogsforbush.com, has the unfortunate task of presenting the story
of the piece of garbage who had the audacity to claim that Pat Tillman got what he deserved.... he's got some good links in there, as well as this comment which i think sums it up best:
I am now officially, from this day forward questioning the patriotism of leftist like this fellow.
The notion of questioning someones patriotism makes me uncomfortable, but I would be inclined to agree with paul here....
I know this link is in Paul's post, but you need to check it out...an analysis of the Tillman article...

Why I am glad to be conservative, Part 2.... 

"A University of Massachusetts student has openly criticized Pat Tillman, calling the former NFL player a Rambo-like idiot in the school paper.

The column in question was submitted by graduate student Rene Gonzalez and published Wednesday in the Daily Collegian. It was titled "Pat Tillman is not a hero: he got what was coming to him.""

The actual article link is not working right now, probably alot of angry people checking it out, but here is a nice summary...
UPDATE: Here is the article if the other link doesnt work....

Time to take on Fallujah 

A great post by Captain Ed about the way we are handling Fallujah, and unfortunately, repeating past mistakes in the way we deal with terrorism...
UPDATE: Wow! the captains got another great post , right after the first one...Here, Kofi Annan endorses the Bush "unilateral" war approach!
"Alert John Kerry -- even the UN Secretary General has conceded the worthlessness of the UN in enforcing world order, and has endorsed the Anglo-American initiative to reintroduce accountability to international relations."
So what were we fighting about with the UN before?

Some Seinfeldian Humor... 

As I mentioned before, I am a huge fan of brain-terminal.com, and not just for political reasons....its also very funny!!

Another Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich, Sir? 

Evidently, Kerry has a little slave who the NYtimes diplomatically calls "The Chief of Stuff." Read it, where you can learn stuff like this:
"These and other details make up the portfolio of the man literally behind the man, ready with an uncapped bottle of water whenever Mr. Kerry's throat runs dry."
Ha. You can't make this stuff up...

Mission Impossible 3: Libs infiltrate the 04 Republican convention...Hilarity ensues.....4 more years for Bush 

Captain Ed's got a great take as usual, on this nefarious plot ;)

I was beginning to forget why i didnt like Frank Lautenberg.... 

This is unbelievable, from HughHewitt.com:

"Senator Frank Lautenberg, today, on the floor of the world's greatest deliberative body:
'We know who the chickenhawks are. They talk tough on national defense and military issues and cast aspersions on others, but when it was their turn to serve, where were they? AWOL. That's where they were. And now the chickenhawks are cackling about Senator John Kerry. And the lead chickenhawk against Senator Kerry is the vice president of the United States, Vice President Cheney. He was in Missouri this week claiming that Senator Kerry was not up to the job of protecting this nation. What nerve. Where was Dick Cheney when that war was going on that had 58,235 young men died and many more wounded and many wuith wounds that were never visible. But you could see it in their emotional structure and the psychology of a war that everyone thinks in retrospect was misguided. But John Kerry volunteered for hazardous duty, swift boat, up the river, people shooting at him all over the place. Cowardly? What an insult. So I plead with veterans across the country: Look at what they are saying about your service.'
More Lautenberg:
'When these attacks on our troops became more frequent, what did the president say last July? I couldn't believe what I was hearting. He said 'Bring 'em on.' In this gesture of bravado, in this gesture of toughness, 'Bring 'em on. But he wasn't brought on. Hee was brought on to the deck of the aircraft carrier, but he wasn't brought on to the battlefield in Vietnam when there was a chance to do something.'
'And now it is over a year later, and the war is still going on. A total of 724 American troops havce been killed. 585 of them after President Bush declared major combat operations have ended. Mr. President, we're in a quagmire, that is a result of miscalculations and poor planning by the Administration. But for the sake of our troops its time for the chickenhawks in this Adminsitration to end the arrogance and the bravado that has put us in the mess we are in right now. And if we want someone to effectively defend our nation, I say lets look to someone who understands what it really means to answer the call and defend your country."
Reprehensible enough for you? Hypocritical in the extreme considering Lautenberg's support for Bill Clinton? Histroically asinine given FDR's role as war time leader of greatness?

Of course neither the vice president nor anyone else has called Kerry cowardly. In fact, Kerry's been under fire from the media, not the GOP, for his Vietnam-era protests and for refusing to release his military records. And Cheney blasted him for votes over twenty years.

How to explain the Lautenberg melt-down? Well, many, many callers and e-mailers who heard me play the speech think he was drunk. I don't. I think he is acting in concert with a desperate Kerry campaign. But Lautenberg, like Kerry, has zero understanding of the American people. They have breathed deep the MoveOn.org swamp gas, and they have become as unbalanced as Dean. This is the party we are going to trust to rally the country to pursue a war to victory? Would Lautenberg have called this a quagmire? He served in WW II, but apparently he's forgotten what wars require.

A Kerry-Lautenberg party is a party committed to retreat abroad and division at home. It is a party of appeasement. Read below to see what appeasement gets you."

Here is the link to that "read below" he mentions on the dangers of appeasement...

And the flip-flopping continues.... 

"We May Yet Find Them"
-John Kerry, on the prospect of finding WMD in Iraq....
article on Kerry's latest attempt to take an issue and firmly grasp himself to one side of it- no, wait, he's grasping the OTHER side...No-it's the first side...Can he do both?
If he wants to lose in November, he can...

Interesting Take... 

...on Iraq, Kerry, and the polls...check it out...
UPDATE: here's another one, from Jpost .

Breaking News! The EU is anti-semitic and hypocritical against Israel! 

Well, maybe you knew that already. But as my old hometown newspaper used to say as its slogan: "If you haven't read it, it's still news..." never understood that.
Anyway, check this out from National Review online...it's about the EU's refusal to adhere to its own treaty when it comes to Hamas and their stated desire to wipe Israel off the map.....and my parents always used to scold me for trashing Europe. I guess i was just before my time...


Now for sometihng completely different: An articulate, respectful (in other words, non-liberal) approach to the abortion issue.... 

But i shouldn't be suprised..it comes from the always excellent Peggy Noonan, who couldn't be farther away, in all respects, from the ridicluous ranting that passed for 'dialogue' and 'speeches' at the tragic pro-abortion rally in Washington last weekend.
Her point is quite good, even if she trashes Puff Daddy's acting abilties. Diddy, don't worry, i still give you props for your mad rap skills ;)

Wednesday, April 28, 2004

The Epic Battle of the SLOGANATORS (cue Gladiator music here).... 

The current crop of political signs too tame for you? Well, have no fear. Even though the Bush site took down their own Sloganator, someone else has set up their own make your own Bush slogan web site, although from the sample slogan, it appears to have a democrat bent...no matter. still good for hours of fun. Not to be outdone, wizbang has set up their own Kerry Sloganator...and this one has a conservative bias....so i guess we're even....

Who are you? 

In a shameless plug to get some content in the comments sections, or perhaps just to feed my ego, or maybe both, I would like to ask those of you reading this to let me know, who are you? Obviously, don't reveal any private info. If i know you, it would be cool to know that you check this out. If i dont know you, you dont need to say your name if you dont want to....it would just be cool to know that someone in, i dont know, alaska or something, is reading this. just click on the comments and let me know who you are and if this blog has changed your life ;) and now back to our regularly scheduled liberal bashing....

Good Job, Rumsfeld! 

Excellent point from Don Rumsfeld on bias from the press (via instapundit)...

Tuesday, April 27, 2004

Why I am glad to be Conservative, part 1... 

Wow..the sheer insensitivity expressed by these wackos is staggering. I mean, do people really think like this? Read how they trash Pat Tilman, the hero ex-NFL player turned Army Ranger killed in Afghanistan. Read the posts on the bottom. Then take a shower. You'll need it....

Monday, April 26, 2004

Vast Right Wing Conspi- Oh...You mean it's not? Sorry.... 

Check out the always excellent PoliPundit's response to the Kerry/DNC/Terry McAuliffe charge that "Medalgate" is the product of a Republican smear campaign. Vast Right Wing Conspiracy? That was SO 90's.....


Nice article on why Franken radio just doesn't cut it.
via www.AndrewSullivan.com

Sunday, April 25, 2004

Just when you thought it was safe to ignore the NY Times Ethicist..... 

Gee...I thought the NY Times Randy Cohen had gone nuts with his Handshake Article....
But you NEED to check
THIS ONE out! (Via Power Line Blog)

Friday, April 23, 2004

The Choice of a New Generation... 

Rush spoke today about a new generation of youth, who understand the risks that exist in today's world, and the importance of the freedom and democracy America embodies. Peggy Noonan has a great column, written in '02, about fallen soldier and forrmer NFL player Pat Tillman, that serves in tribute to his memory, and hits home the change in today's generation...

Earth Day: Celebrating 34 years of dire predictions, and other fun liberal activities..... 

Happy Belated Earth Day !!! Some facts on the progress we have made, despite Jon Kerry's 'family owned' SUV's ;)
``The family has it. I don't have it,'' he (Kerry) said.

see also this nice picture of Kerry....


Thursday, April 22, 2004

Gotta feel sorry for those Saudis..... 

The New York Times: Saudis Support a Jihad in Iraq, Not Back Home:

In Saudi Arabia, a strategic ally of the United States, violence against the American occupation in Iraq is seen by many as jihad, or a holy struggle, but virtually no one accepts violence as jihad when it unrolls here at home, in the heart of what is supposed to be the most Muslim of countries.

In Iraq, attacks by American troops serve as evidence to some that the United States occupation of a Muslim land must be reversed. Requests for God to avenge American actions pour down from mosque minarets, and some women university students sport Osama bin Laden T-shirts under their enveloping abayas to mark their approval for his calls to resist the United States.

But many Saudis consider the attack here on Wednesday a shocking and unsettling crime, especially since the attackers chose for their first major government target an office building that virtually every adult male must visit to collect a license or car plates.

Yeah...I'm sorry...Terrorism is kind of a pain right? Especially when you are the victims....My heart bleeds for all those Osama fans who can't pick up their freakin' licence plates!

Media faces the truth... 

After pummeling, Bush climbs back....sweet resilience...see also MSNBC - Why the race is looking so good for Bush.

Stupid Kerry-Supporter Tricks, Part 1... 

HA. HA. HA. HAHAHAHAHA.... i love it...

Partisan Politics at its best! 

To quote someone who made a comment on this post from PoliPundit, I hope that Bush carries this list with him at every debate. The fact that anyone in the Democratic party can argue against the war in Iraq, after looking at these quotes from the last several years, shows the hypocrisy and partisanship that exists in the liberal/democrat camp.

Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Uh-Oh....Kerry did a No-No... 

Well! After all the supposed Woodward Bombshell Bush-Saudi "secret oil deals" that the press and Kerry crowed about over the last few days, it looks like the record has been set straight... by WOODWARD HIMSELF !!!

Asked by King about Kerry's reaction, Woodward said, "Kerry has taken this to the next level. This always gets caught in the political crossfire, and I'm trying to stick with what my reporting showed."

The three top Democrats in the House, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California, Minority Whip Steny Hoyer of Maryland and Democratic Caucus Chair Bob Menendez of New Jersey, sent a letter to the White House demanding that Bush "fully explain the agreement that you or your administration reached with the Saudis to boost oil production and disclose any promises or commitments that have been made to the Saudis on behalf of the U.S."

Try again, Mr. Kerry, Ms. Pelosi, etc....

Another Brick in the Wall 

Two sides of "The Wall." Gorelick's defense, and
McCarthy's response.

Friday, April 16, 2004

What an eloquent explanation of Bush support, appropriately titled "Why I Oppose Kerry and Support Bush."

Thursday, April 15, 2004

The Palestinian response to Israel's plan to pull out of Gaza and parts of the West Bank is sickening, and shows the true face of Palestinian Terror....read this......
Believe the liberal media ? Think EVERYONE in IRAQ hates us? Then check this out.

Friday, April 02, 2004

Reason #3,456 why I am not a flaming liberal....and if you think this is some wacko left-wing extremist, check this out....
Today's OpinionJournal - Featured Article presents a solid rationale for war in Iraq.

Thursday, April 01, 2004

Great article with some perspective on Candace Parker (a woman) winning the McDonald's All-American slam dunk contest. It's about sports, but it's an eloquent commentary on how contemporary society views gender equality. (via espn.com )
Who is this judge? Gotta give him alot of credit.... (via bostonherald.com )

media bias at work! I can't believe the Nightline exec producer said this! (via instapundit.com)
Great point on Instapundit.com:
Some interesting points on the National People's Action 'attack' at Karl Rove's house on Sunday. (via opinionjournal.com)
Peggny Noonan doesn't dissapoint this week, in a passionate article on a proper response to the Fallujah attacks.
Quite possibly the greatest web site ever! be sure to check out the video clips...genius!
I have recently become a huge Peter King fan (not the one from SI), after hearing him on the radio, and then reading
this on Islamic Fundamentalism...he just gets it!
So this is what the terrorists use... you can actually see the nails/thought put into killing the most innocent civilians....
WOW... Who is this Frenchman, and how can we get more like him??
Freaking out over SAT scores and college acceptance letters? Have no fear! (via New York Times)
As opposed to Newsweek's coverage of Clarke and the 9/11 hearings, Time actually looks at the credibility factor of the 'star witness.'
Great article explaining the background re: oil prices, and why criticism of the president is unwarranted.
As of now, this will just be a collection of links to cool political articles i find on the web, mostly from other blogs. we'll see what happens...

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